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Should city bosses be forced to live in the city?

Proposed Sault Ste. Marie policy wouldn’t apply to current department heads who live outside the city limits
Ronald A. Irwin Civic Centre

If Ward 4 Coun. Stephan Kinach gets his way at next week's city council meeting, newly hired department heads could be forced to live within the city as a condition of employment.

"Having department heads to live within the city limits will ensure that they share the same concerns as the residents they serve, particularly concerning budget decisions and spending," Kinach and wardmate Coun. Marchy Bruni say in a resolution to be presented to fellow councillors next Monday.

Their proposed policy wouldn’t apply to current department heads who live outside the city limits, only to new hires.

Mike Figliola, who spent a controversial 29 months as Sault Ste. Marie's fire chief between December 2014 and May 2017, lived near Thessalon at the time, travelling home at night in a city-owned vehicle.

The full text of the Kinach-Bruni resolution follows.

Monday's city council meeting will be live-steamed on SooToday starting at 5 p.m.

Residency requirement policy for new department heads

Mover: Coun S. Kinach
Seconder: Coun. M. Bruni

Whereas Sault Ste. Marie city council recognizes the importance of fostering strong leadership and community involvement within our municipal government; and

Whereas city council recognizes that spending decisions made by city department heads can directly impact local property taxes and other financial obligations of residents and businesses in Sault Ste Marie; and

Whereas city council believes that having department heads to live within the city limits will ensure that they share the same concerns as the residents they serve, particularly concerning budget decisions and spending

Now therefore be it resolved that staff be requested to report back to council with a policy on having a residency requirement within the City of Sault Ste. Marie to be negotiated into all future contracts for department heads at the Corporation of the City of Sault Ste. Marie, including provision for enforcement and, where necessary, if exceptions should be made.

Current department heads who do not reside within the city limits shall be exempt from this requirement, provided they continue in their current position.


David Helwig

About the Author: David Helwig

David Helwig's journalism career spans seven decades beginning in the 1960s. His work has been recognized with national and international awards.
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