Okay, we admit we Photoshopped Tony Martin's head onto Ben Mulroney's body and deliberately made it look like it doesn't belong there.
But if you squint really hard during the audience shots on tonight's Canadian Idol finale on CTV, you just might catch a glimpse of the Sault MP or his boss Jack Layton.
The following are news releases issued today by Tony Martin:
******************* Tony Martin makes Canadian Idol finale!
TORONTO - Sault MP Tony Martin will join Newfoundland's Rex Goudie and Calgary's Melissa O'Neil at tonight's expanded 90-minute finale of Canadian Idol.
But don't worry.
The Sault MP won't be singing.
Martin and some fellow NDP colleagues including leader Jack Layton will be in the CTV audience as their caucus retreat ends here.
"I was going to either Idol or the Toronto Film Festival but I think this will move me up the charts with my kids," Martin laughed. "My family and I have watched some of the shows on television. This will be fun to see it live."
Tonight's performance before tomorrow's vote is the last chance for Goudie and O'Neil to convince voters that they deserve the Canadian Idol title.
Last week, 2.5 million viewers watched and 3.5 million cast votes, pushing the grand total of votes in Season Three to 33,817,561.
The caucus is here planning strategy for the fall session of the Minority Parliament and the lead up to the next federal election expected sometime in the next six to eight months.
******************* Northern Medical School opens
"Good news for every community in Northern Ontario
SUDBURY – Sault MP Tony Martin sends congratulations on the grand opening of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine from the NDP caucus retreat in Toronto. It is "a dream come true" for the north.
"This is a huge step forward in our healthcare needs, training physicians coming from the north to stay in the north," Martin said.
"The school is a win-win for the entire north. It is good for the economy, good for our health care system and good for our young people who want to go the medical school. It is good news for every community in Northern Ontario.
"I remember the many meetings I attended and the letters written over the years as a Member of the Provincial Parliament working for this day to happen. I was ecstatic with the decision and I know that this school is the fruit of efforts of many politicians in different governments and parties and especially so many in the community who should be proud of their accomplishment. I remember being at the original announcement and include this with the announcement of a new hospital for Sault Ste. Marie, the cancer bunker and the new Davey Home among my proudest moments as MPP."
Martin lauded the arrangement with the Sault Area Hospital as a teaching and research site.
He supports the initiative working for a local campus for NOSM in Sault Ste. Marie.
"This school will help improve the health of people in our communities in part because it is tailored to deal with diverse cultures and our remote, rural and regional centers," Martin said.
Fifty-six students began their studies at the school’s two campuses this fall, 32 in Thunder Bay and 24 here in Sudbury.