Statement by Minister Broten on International Day of the Girl
Today, Laurel Broten, Minister Responsible for Women’s Issues, released the following statement in recognition of the first International Day of the Girl:
On December 19, 2011, the United Nations proclaimed today, October 11, International Day of the Girl to recognize the importance of girls' basic rights.
As Ontarians, it is our opportunity to join the world in telling girls everywhere how important they are and to encourage them to achieve their dreams.
Girls throughout the world face higher rates of violence, poverty and discrimination.
In Canada, girls have higher rates than boys of depression, sexual harassment and dating violence.
The International Day of the Girl brings those issues to the foreground and encourages others to recognize that support for girls and their basic human rights helps build stronger, healthier communities.
This day also promotes equal treatment and opportunities for girls in areas such as law, nutrition, health care, education, training, and freedom from violence and abuse.
I was happy to join the Girl Guides of Canada today to celebrate this momentous occasion as they were part of a coalition that supported the creation of International Day of the Girl, following the two-year Because I am a Girl campaign by Plan International.
I want to thank the thousands of girls in our great province who are working to make Ontario a better, kinder, fairer and more just place.
Our government remains firmly committed to the safety and well-being of girls in Ontario, for a future that is fair and equal for everyone.
Happy International Day of the Girl to all the girls in Ontario and around the world.