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Public library wrestles with security issues

Library wants a security guard, citing drug use and slow police response times
20200526-SSM Public Library Main Branch summer stock-DT-03
File photo by Darren Taylor/SooToday

Sault Ste. Marie Public Library has ordered updated risk assessments for both its North Branch and downtown James L. McIntyre Centennial Library.

The decision was made Monday night after a closed-door meeting of the library's board of directors.

A resolution approving the decision provided no explanation, but the security review followed recent discussion about whether a full-time library security guard is needed.

As SooToday first reported in November, 2021, a joint health and safety committee has called for on-site security presence for the following reasons:

  • an increase in severity of library incidents
  • drug use and paraphernalia on library property
  • patrons who are intoxicated or have mental health issues
  • long response times for police or on-call security 

At a meeting in late May, the library board directed its staff to prepare a supplementary budget request for funding a full-time security presence during operational hours at the James L. McIntyre Centennial Library, to be presented to city council during 2024 budget deliberations.

However, concern was expressed then that the library lacked statistical data to support its request.

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David Helwig

About the Author: David Helwig

David Helwig's journalism career spans seven decades beginning in the 1960s. His work has been recognized with national and international awards.
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