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Potential COVID-19 exposure under investigation at Queen Elizabeth School

'APH is conducting a careful investigation to identify potential close contacts,' the notice states

A notice issued yesterday to parents of students who attend Queen Elizabeth Public School confirms that Algoma Public Health (APH) is investigating a potential COVID exposure within the school community.

"APH is conducting a careful investigation to identify potential close contacts," the notice states.

Full text of the notice follows:

Algoma Public Health (APH) is investigating a potential exposure to COVID-19 within the Queen Elizabeth Public School community. We recognize that receiving this information may be stressful. To help you understand what actions are being taken and what to expect please review the important information below.

At this time, APH is conducting a careful investigation to identify potential close contacts. Examples of close contacts include household members, people who have been in direct physical contact or belong to the same classroom/cohort, and people who have spent more than 15 minutes together within 2 metres or 6 feet of each other, such as while sharing a meal. Brief interactions, like walking past someone in a hallway are not generally considered close contact situations.

Please be reassured that if you do not receive a potential exposure letter at this time, you are not considered a potential close contact of the investigation, in which case we do not recommend testing unless you are showing symptoms of COVID-19.

We are working with the school community to review and confirm important practices to reduce the potential spread of COVID-19, including:
    •    Ensure COVID-19 vaccination policies are in place
    •    Screening practices in place for children and staff
    •    Staying home if you have symptoms of COVID-19
    •    Cleaning and disinfecting high touch surfaces
    •    Using personal protective equipment when appropriate (e.g., medical mask, eye protection)
    •    Proper hand hygiene practices
    •    Posting signage of appropriate public health measures (e.g., hand hygiene, coughing and sneezing etiquette)
    •    Maintaining and encouraging physical distancing
    •    Supporting case investigation and contact tracing when there is an individual who has tested positive including identifying students and staff that may have been in greater contact with individuals who have tested positive

Important ways to protect yourself and others:
    •    Be fully vaccinated by receiving two doses of COVID-19 vaccine if you are eligible
    •    Always practice physical distancing
    •    Wear a mask or face covering in all indoor public settings
    •    Wear a mask or face covering outdoors if physical distancing cannot be maintained
    •    Wash your hands often with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer Anyone 12+ who needs a COVID-19 vaccine can book an appointment or show up at a walk-in, pop-up, or mobile COVID-19 vaccine clinic.

Please visit the APH website for information on COVID-19. 


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