************** Board-wide recycling in place
At the Algoma District School Board's (ADSB) Committee of the Whole meeting held last night, the board introduced its board-wide recycling program and paid tribute to the Board's recycling pioneers.
This initiative sees all ADSB schools and facilities (including the Board of Education office) having full implementation of recycling bins and boxes.
Many schools and facilities throughout the board have been recycling for years, and a number of the recycling pioneers were acknowledged in a Power Point presentation, including Kathy Babijowski of Pinewood Public School.
Ten years ago, pizza days at school were just as popular as they are now.
But recycling wasn’t nearly as commonplace.
Kathy and her environmental group at Pinewood made sure they scraped the pizza bits off the boxes and Kathy herself took the cleaned pizza boxes to the recycling depot.
Kiwedin Public School was similarly proactive in the early years of recycling.
Long before curbside pick-up was available at Kiwedin P.S., staff and students asked permission from neighbours to allow the school to place their recyclables into the neighbours' blue and yellow boxes.
Students learned then (and continue to learn today) the power of working collaboratively.
With the delivery of outside bins, some ADSB schools will be leading the recycling initiatives within their communities.
In communities like Chapleau, Thessalon and Blind River, the public schools will be in receipt of the first recycling bins for the community as a whole.
Members of the ADSB Recycling Committee include: Superintendents Bob Backstrom and Pam Cooper, secondary representatives Jill Inch and Margaret Dean, care staff representative Mona Kingshott, City of Sault Ste. Marie represntatives Marnie Chauvin and Randy Roy, principal representatives Frank Greco and Steve Bodnar, plant manager Chris Deller and finance department representative Edith Harris.
Director of Education Mario Turco is very proud of the work done by the committee:
"This has been a wonderful, collaborative effort between the schools, municipalities, and community recycling programs. Additionally, and perhaps more importantly, we are helping to develop environmentally aware students who care about the future of their world."
Those in attendance at the meeting also met (by way of videoconference from Elliot Lake) a number of Grade 8 Central Avenue Public School students who shared some of the recycling programs they have in place.
Principal Anne Sangster applauded the efforts of these four students, who take the initiative each day to collect cans, plastics, paper and cardboard from all classrooms at Central Avenue and place it curb side for pick up by Jessie's Recycling in Elliot Lake.