It will be a time to celebrate later this summer for former staff and students of White Pines.
On Aug. 4, the east-end high school will be hosting a reunion to celebrate its 50th anniversary, with a number of events planned over the weekend.
The reunion will kick off with a come-and-go reception at the Water Tower Inn, beginning at 7 p.m. on Aug. 4.
In addition to staff and students getting the chance to reconnect, Wolverines memorabilia will be on display along with a slide show.
A photo booth with decade-appropriate costumes will also be available.
Tickets to the gala is $55.
An open house is planned on Saturday between 9:30 a.m. and 1 p.m.
A meet-and-greet has been planned by 30 former teachers at 10 a.m. on Aug 5 as well and a film screenings by White Pines alumni Lee Chambers will be happening in the cafeteria.
The two-day event will wrap up Saturday evening with a concert at the Bushplane Museum featuring The Killer Hooks.
Doors will open at 8 p.m. with food available as well and a cash bar.
Tickets for the concert are $70.
A Facebook group has been started for the event (White Pines 50th Anniversary 2023).
Event tickets will be on sale until July 21 and can be purchased via etransfer to [email protected].