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Northern Ontario doctor under fire for his ‘disgraceful’ stance on COVID-19 response

College of Physicians and Surgeons alleges that Dr. Patrick Brian Phillips, who practices in the Englehart area, made ‘misleading, incorrect or inflammatory statements about vaccinations, treatments and public health measures for COVID-19’

A Northern Ontario doctor who practises medicine in the Englehart, Kirkland Lake and Nipigon areas has come under fire from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CSPO) for allegedly spreading misinformation online about COVID-19,about the vaccinations and about public health measures.

The CSPO has ordered Dr. Patrick Brian Phillips to appear before a discipline tribunal for "committing an act of professional misconduct".

Details of the allegations were posted in a five-page notice of hearing on the CPSO website:

"It is alleged that Dr. Phillips engaged in disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional conduct and failed to maintain the standard of practice of the profession in relation to his communications, including communications on social media and other digital platforms, regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and related issues," said the notice. 

"This includes making misleading, incorrect or inflammatory statements about vaccinations, treatments and public health measures for COVID-19. It is also alleged that Dr. Phillips is incompetent in relation to his communications. It is further alleged that Dr. Phillips engaged in disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional conduct in relation to posting College investigative information online and failing to remove this information upon request, and in relation to failing to cooperate with the College’s investigation," the notice continued. tried to get a comment from Phillips, but was advised he would not be answering any messages until sometime next month. 

As for what is alleged, the college has not released its evidence, but was able to locate several statements from Phillips’ social media accounts claiming vaccine mandates are “medical tyranny” and that health-care professionals who abide by them and encourage people to be vaccinated against COVID-19 are committing assault.

For instance, in a Sept. 19 Facebook post Phillips makes the assault claim.

"Please check out this thread so you are aware of your medical rights as we see so many people being forced into medical procedures they don't want. It doesn't matter even if they are 100 per cent safe and 100 per cent effective," Phillips wrote.

"It is AGAINST THE LAW and wrong to even participate in coercion of patients into tests and treatments. Doctors, Nurses, employers, hospitals and organizations across the country are violating the law, including the Criminal Code of Canada by committing assault against patients who are under duress and not able to give legally valid consent to Covid tests and Covid vaccines. Most of this thread is focused on Ontario laws but similar legislation exists in all provinces.

“Please know your rights and the rights of your patients."

As well, a Sept. 27 tweet from Phillips’ Twitter account (@DrP_MD) states that Ontario residents faced with the loss of a job or loss of civil liberties for not getting a vaccine or a COVID-19 test for qualify for an exemption for reasons of duress.

Phillips so far appears unrepentant for his alleged social media comments. In a notice that was posted on his Facebook page at about 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, Phillips said he was proud of his stand.

"Never have I been more proud of myself than the day I decided to take a stand against our country's medical tyranny," said the posting. 

"Providing patients and the public access to treatments for covid-19 (sic) and vaccine injuries and protecting them from medical coercion is not something I will ever regret. I will continue to boldly and bravely speak the truth and will not back down in the face of tyrannical government overreach that is clearly harming the patients I care for every day," said the posting.

The notice of hearing said the disciplinary tribunal will meet in Toronto at a date to be determined. The notice said Phillips also engaged in disgraceful conduct by posting investigative information online and also by refusing to cooperate with the College. The notice said if Phillips fails to attend the hearing, CPSO can proceed in his absence. Among the possible punishments the CPSO tribunal may decide to revoke his certificate with the CPSO, or it may decide to suspend his certificate for a period of time. 

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Len Gillis, local journalism initiative reporter

About the Author: Len Gillis, local journalism initiative reporter

Len Gillis is a Local Journalism Initiative reporter at covering health care in northeastern Ontario and the COVID-19 pandemic.
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