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Norgoma's gone (6 photos)

Definitely not there anymore

10:22 a.m. update:

We've added a two-minute video version of the move, which you can WATCH RIGHT HERE THIS VERY MINUTE.

8:49 a.m. original story:

Shortly before 8 a.m., the Museum Ship Norgoma was pulled from its spot at Bondar Marina.

The city changed the locks on the boat last month and fenced it off after deciding in March that the Norgoma would need to be removed from the Bondar Marina - where it has been moored since its decommissioning in the mid-1970s - to allow for dock replacement.

As of March, the city’s plan was to tow the Norgoma to the Purvis Dock at Algoma Steel, billing the $50,000 cost to the volunteer-run marine centre.


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