A program that prohibits gang colours from certain bars continues, says the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service.
Members of gangs are not allowed inside bars, restaurants and nightclubs if they are wearing their official gang colours and clothing if business owners are uncomfortable with the presence of such regalia, say police.
Signage banning gangs from wearing their official colours and clothing inside certain establishments is available from Sault police on request from business owners (the signs remain the property of Sault Police).

The initiative is a voluntary one on the behalf of business owners.
“Sault Police have established a 'No Gang Colours, No Gang Clothing' initiative with many local establishments,” confirmed Sault Police Inspector Monique Rollin in an email to SooToday.
A similar program, designed to stop any potential trouble with gang-related criminal activity before it starts, is also in place in North Bay
“The participating local establishments have provided written authorization to the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service to act on their behalf enforcing this dress code under the Trespass to Property Act on their property. The ‘No Gang Colour’ policy is simply an extension of the dress code which includes the ‘no shirt, no shoes, no service’ rule,” Rollin wrote.
“A dress code is not a violation of a person’s rights,” Rollin emphasized.
A list of all local businesses involved with the program was not immediately available, but Rollin stated “five local bars were initially involved.”
“The program’s intent was to send a clear message that Sault Ste. Marie is not ‘open for business’ to the activities of any criminal enterprises and to avoid future increases or issues in regard to organized crime and/or criminal gang activity,” Rollin stated.
“As a result of posting of the “No Gang Colours” sign and providing written authorization to the Sault Ste. Marie Police, officers now have the authority to enforce this initiative on their own.”
Violations of the rule at participating bars, restaurants and nightclubs, under the Trespass to Property Act, can lead to a fine of $70, and an arrest if necessary.
“The intent of the initiative is to provide a peaceful atmosphere in local bars and restaurants for all patrons. This initiative is a partnership between the police and local business owners in an effort to stop these groups from intimidating other patrons which has been described as being bad for their business. Local businesses do not want to be associated with gang activity,” Rollin wrote.