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New St. Basil School logo unveiled

Visibly Catholic, incorporates ideas from all schools - something everyone is happy with



The unveiling of the new St. Basil Saints’ logo was a resounding success. Monday morning, students and staff of the four schools that will form the new St. Basil Catholic Elementary School; St. Ann, St. Bernadette, St. Pius X, and St. Theresa were shown the newly designed logo for the St. Basil Saints.

Six students from each of the four schools marched into the gymnasium after a Thanksgiving mass was held at the Mount St. Joseph Centre. 

Accompanied by the playing of When the Saints Go Marching In, the students preceded to reveal the new logo to the cheers of their fellow schoolmates and school staff members. 

In the developmental stages of the design, two students from the four schools met with the logo committee a handful of times to give input on how the logo should look. 

“It was a good experience to connect with our soon-to-be classmates, to choose a logo that would be symbolic of the four schools coming together as one,” said St. Ann Grade 6 student, Mia Iachetta.

When asked about her experience, Grade 6 student Caitlin Senecal from St. Theresa, said, “The process was really fun. It was great hearing everyone’s input. I really liked the final product because it had ideas from all the schools and is something we are all proud of.”

“I was happy that the student's voices were acknowledged. When I saw the logo, it looked exactly as the student committee chose,” said Lorenzo Bressan, a Grade 7 student from St. Ann Catholic School.

The logo committee wanted the new design to be visibly Catholic. They incorporated a halo into the name Saints and included a large cross which represents both our faith and the large lit cross on school property.

The fleur-de-lis, a symbol with French and Catholic roots, was also incorporated into the crest, as it is synonymous with ‘Saints.'  

“I think the new logo is beautiful and uplifting,” said Ryan Posteraro, a Grade 5 student from St. Pius X.

"I am happy with the logo because it stands out. I especially like the cross in the middle because it represents our faith,” said Alex Pigeau, a Grade 5 student at St. Bernadette. 

“It resembles our Catholic faith. It helps promote a new image for St. Basil,” said Rhiannon Trepasso a Grade 7 student at St. Pius X.

“We are very proud of our students’ creativity and hard work. I was truly inspired by their acceptance and respect for each person’s input, and their ability to collaboratively create a beautiful logo that everyone from all four school communities will be proud to wear,” said Superintendent of Education, Maria Esposito.

St. Basil Catholic Elementary School will open in September 2017.


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