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Miranda wants to be on Mad Men too!

Earlier today, ran a story about former Saultbie Sistina Giordano, who asked for our help in an online casting-call competition for the 1960s-themed television drama Mad Men.

Earlier today, ran a story about former Saultbie Sistina Giordano, who asked for our help in an online casting-call competition for the 1960s-themed television drama Mad Men.

Since we ran that story, Giordano has moved into the top spot among 2,500 contestants.

And, we've been hearing from relatives and friends of another former Saultite, Miranda Wickett (formerly Gallagher) of London, Ontario.

Miranda (shown) just sent us the following note. just checked, and everyone who voted for Sistina earlier today can go back and also vote for Miranda.

And, you can vote once a day for the candidates of your choice until Monday!

************************* Hello there!

I was born and raised in the Sault and now reside in London where I own and operate a dance, music and drama academy in the north end of the city called Performing Alliance.

Like Ms. Giordano, I have recently entered a contest for a role on AMC's award-winning series Mad Men!

It's fun to think that Sistina and I did theatre together as children and now get to do things like this together as well!

My photo is posted on a website and then the public votes until Monday!

The top 10 men and women as voted by the public are chosen for the producer to look at and he selects the winner.

Here is my link

It would be a great help to me if the Sault community might support me!

There's no place like home!

Thank you very much!


Miranda Wickett London, Ontario


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