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Love art? Take the scenic route on this year's Sylvan Circle Tour

22nd anniversary of the popular art tour takes place on Sept. 21 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
2016-09-17 Sylvan Circle-Eat Algoma DMH-3
The Sylvan Circle Tour stop at the Sylvan Valley Hall on Saturday, Sept. 17, 2016. Donna Hopper/SooToday

You're invited to the 22nd anniversary of the Sylvan Cycle Tour on Sept. 21.

This art tour takes place from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. and features over 60 artists and artisans in seven halls and one studio along the 100 km route. 

The tour follows Highways 638 and 17 from Echo Bay to Bruce Mines and back to Echo Bay. According to a press release issued by the organization, it is estimated that close to 1,500 people drive the tour to marvel at the rural countryside while enjoying and purchasing artwork that is perfect for the home or special gift.

Over the years, this tour has become a significant event in support of local artists & artisans. It has also become an economic benefit for local businesses and provides a gathering place for friends and family to enjoy the beautiful rural landscape, agricultural products and rich culture of Algoma. 

For more information, see the press release below: 

Saturday, Sept. 21 marks the 22nd anniversary of one of Algoma’s most anticipated art events, the Sylvan Circle Tour. The tour has grown tremendously since it’s inception, attracting applicants from across the Algoma region, and has become one of the best art tours in Ontario.

There are over sixty artists and artisans participating in the tour which takes place in seven halls and one studio along the 100 km. route. The tour follows highways 638 and 17 from Echo Bay to Bruce Mines and back to Echo Bay. The scenery and wildlife along the route are a nature lover’s and photographer’s dream. It is estimated that close to 1,500 people drive the tour to marvel at the rural countryside while enjoying and purchasing artwork that is perfect for the home or special gift.

Over the years this tour has become a significant event in support of local artists & artisans. It has also become an economic benefit for local businesses and provides a gathering place for friends and family to enjoy the beautiful rural landscape, agricultural products and rich culture of Algoma. 

Funding for the tour has been received from the tour’s corporate sponsors Stobie Mechanical & Welding, Manitoulin Transport, Algoma Mutual Insurance Co., North Channel Heating & Air Conditioning Inc., Northshore Tractor, and Algoma That Real.

The tour takes place Saturday, Sept. 21 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For further information about the show, refer to the tour website at


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