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Look who received an honorary doctorate from China's Nanjing University

NEWS RELEASE OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR GENERAL OF CANADA **************************** The Governor General of Canada received an honorary doctorate from Nanjing University OTTAWA - On April 11, His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, governo



The Governor General of Canada received an honorary doctorate from Nanjing University

OTTAWA - On April 11, His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, governor general of Canada, received an honoris causa doctorate from Nanjing University in China.

His Excellency Zhang Junsai, ambassador of the People’s Republic of China; professor Hong Yinxing, chancellor of Nanjing University; and Dr. Feridun Hamdullahpur, president of the University of Waterloo, attended the event at the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, in Ottawa.

“When I was president of the University of Waterloo, it was my privilege to welcome many incoming colleagues and students from Nanjing University - including Chancellor Hong, upon whom we conferred an honorary doctorate in 2009,” said His Excellency. “As governor general, I remain committed to fostering learning and innovation, and I am actively looking to build bridges between Canada and the world. That is one reason why I am pleased to accept this honour.”

About the collaboration between Nanjing University and University of Waterloo

Founded in 1902, Nanjing University (NJU) is one of the oldest and most prestigious institutions of higher learning in China.

The University of Waterloo (UW) and NJU have a long history of collaboration in personnel training, scientific research and social services, and other aspects of cooperation.

In 2005, NJU and UW signed an agreement to establish a Sino-Canadian College offering joint academic programs.

In 2008, as president of the University of Waterloo, His Excellency welcomed the school’s first students and visited NJU.

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