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Local unions hosting parade, party to celebrate Labour Day

This year marks the 65th anniversary of the Sault Ste. Marie District Labour Council
09-05-2022-Local unions come together for Labour Day festivities-AF-04
A file photo of a Labour Day solidarity parade on Queen Street.

The Sault Ste Marie District Labour Council will be celebrating its 65th anniversary this Labour Day.

The Steel Workers spearheaded the local labour council in the 1950s to fight for health and safety, maternity benefits and five day work week.

Today, more than 35 local unions work collectively to stand up for workers rights, both union and non-union. 

In a news release, Labour Day Chair Michele McCleave-Kennedy said this year workers are standing together against several issues, including violence in the workplace.

“We are seeing more violence in stores, schools, hospitals and any worksite that deals with the public, McCleave-Kennedy stated. “Workers push for anti-scab legislation to protect their jobs while they're on strike so the employer can't use replacement workers to keep the company going during a strike.”

“Currently we are pushing heat legislation to protect workers who work in excessive heat conditions in industry and environmental conditions. This affects construction, farmers, mines, buildings without air conditioning etc.”

Sault Ste Marie District Labour Council will be hosting its anniversary celebration tomorrow.

The Parade of Flags starts at 11:30 a.m. Monday as union workers show their solidarity by marching on Queen Street.

Then there will be a gathering at the Roberta Bondar Pavilion starting at noon, with a motorcycle show and shine, barbecue, children's games and face painting.

Attendees are asked to bring their own water bottles.


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