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WATCH: Controversial teacher hiring rule gets scrapped

Regulation 247 will be revoked as of Oct. 29


A controversial hiring rule for teachers is being scrapped by the provincial government.

Education Minister Stephen Lecce announced this morning that Regulation 274, which favours seniority in teacher hiring, will be revoked as of Oct. 29.

Regulation 274 was introduced in September 2012 as a means to reduce nepotism in teacher hiring. While some unions have defended the rule, other unions and many school boards have cited a number of challenges created by Regulation 274, including an inability to address diversity and equity in hiring, limitations on boards to hire teachers that reflect the needs of the school community, and deterring new teachers from the profession.

In a press release issued today, Lecce stated "In a time where teacher hiring is necessary to ensure students get the best education possible, these changes will further enable principals to swiftly hire the best candidate so they can focus on improving the quality of education and helping our students be the best that they can be."

The new hiring Policy/Program Memorandum (PPM) will enable principals to hire based on merit, diversity and the unique needs of the school, while providing strict protocols to avoid concerns of nepotism.

The province says based on these principles and specific directions in the PPM, school boards and authorities will then have the opportunity to develop localized teacher hiring policies that support the memorandum's objectives, while reflecting the unique needs of the community. 

The province's interim policy for school board teacher hiring practices will come into effect on Oct. 29, and will guide school board hiring until school boards develop their own teacher hiring policies consistent with the PPM to be issued in November. 

Publicly funded school boards and school authorities will have until Dec. 31, 2020 to develop and post their own teacher hiring policies that align with the PPM and respect existing collective agreements.

Original story:

Education Minister Stephen Lecce is slated to make an announcement this morning.

The press conference will take place at 10:30 a.m. in Vaughan.

Village Media will carry the livestream, so stay tuned.


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Riley Barsanti, Community Cares team

About the Author: Riley Barsanti, Community Cares team

Riley is a Communications Specialist and member of the Village Media Cares Team, whose mission is to create meaningful, long-lasting and positive change in the communities we serve.
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