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LETTER: Local doctor urges governments to maintain all vaccine mandates

The Canadian people have worked very hard to protect and care for each other during the Covid 19 pandemic
2021-03-19 Letter to the editor
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I urge governments to hold fast and maintain all vaccine mandates.

By following simple, science tested precautions, mask wearing and social distancing indoors plus a comprehensive vaccination program, the Canadian people have worked very hard to protect and care for each other during the Covid 19 pandemic.

After the initial confused time, the first six months, about 24,000 Canadians have died of the disease. 630 / million of the population. This compares to 1140 / million in the UK and an astonishing 2112 / million in the USA, during the same time period.

Had we followed the USA example we would have had over 80,000 deaths, between September 2020 and today. 56,000 more deaths, mostly of the elderly, disadvantaged and at risk population.
Algoma district has less than 200 / million deaths.

In my opinion, it is the primary job of government to protect, as well as possible, those who are unable to protect themselves. The 56,000 are people, parents and grandparents.

Their loss, to their families and friends, would have been devastating.
It is not as if vaccine mandates are rare.

To go to school, in Ontario, children must have vaccinations for 9 unique diseases. Even with this mandate 15% of school children are not fully vaccinated.
Despite there again being some confusion with initial vaccine roll out, more than 90% of the vulnerable population are at least double vaccinated. Only Portugal and Chile, of the OECD, have surpassed this number.

Also, very few of the OECD have a lesser death rate than Canada, over the last 18 months.
I feel very fortunate to have been able to do my part helping our community become vaccinated.

I am very pleased with the sacrifice that others are making in keeping myself and those around me as healthy as possible.
Thank you Canada and Sault Ste Marie.

- Dr John Marrack


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