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Have you downloaded your enhanced vaccine certificate yet?

You'll need the QR code to access settings where proof of vaccination is required starting Jan. 4
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Ontario's new proof of vaccination requirements takes effect next week.

Tuesday, Jan. 4 the enhanced vaccine certificate with a QR code and the Verify Ontario app must be used where proof of vaccination is required. A piece of identification is still needed as well.

Up until now, businesses have accepted the QR code and the original vaccine passport that shows the date someone was vaccinated.

The certificate with the QR code can be downloaded here. You'll need your health card to access it. 

While it can be added to your smartphone to easily access, it can also be printed. Businesses must accept a digital or paper copy.

Proof of vaccination is required for certain high-risk, indoor settings such as restaurants, bars, gyms, cinemas, gaming establishments. The full list of affected locations is available here.

Ontario announced the switch to the enhanced certificate at the same time it delayed when the proof of vaccination requirements would be lifted. The measures were scheduled to start lifting in mid-January, however, that has been postponed. A new date has not been announced.

A QR code is also going to be needed for medical exemptions and clinical trial exemptions. As of Jan. 10, physician notes will no longer be accepted under the proof-of-vaccination system.

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