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Has anybody seen Mary Ellen Ryan?

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following message is from Darlene and Dan Bond from Prince George, British Colunbia. Saultites will remember Darlene as the Darlene O'Hara who used to attend Eastview Public School and the Dunn.

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following message is from Darlene and Dan Bond from Prince George, British Colunbia.

Saultites will remember Darlene as the Darlene O'Hara who used to attend Eastview Public School and the Dunn.

This is the latest of many special greetings we've been publishing over the holidays from expatriate Saultites.

If you're a former resident now living 200 or more kilometres away, would be delighted to post your message and photo.

For details, click here.)

The deadline for submissions is midnight tomorrow, New Year's Eve.

If anyone knows the whereabouts of Mary Ellen Ryan (see Darlene's note), let us know at and we'll forward your information.

********************** Hi. My name is Darlene Bond (nee O'Hara).

I was born and raised in the Soo.

We lived up off of Peoples Road up 'til I was seven years old, then moved to the East End onto Oregon Road.

I went to Eastview Public School, then on to Sir James Dunn High.

When I turned 23 years old I moved to Calgary Alberta and lived there for six years.

From there I moved to Prince George B.C.

Being out here has been an experience I'm glad I took.

Out west here is pretty similar to Ontario, the trees, lakes and people are fantastic.

My parents, and friends still live in the Soo.

The last time I was back was in September 1999.

And wow, had the city sure changed since I had moved.

It is so pretty in the Soo with the waterfront being changed so much.

I do miss everyone and hope to come back soon.

I have been searching for a childhood friend I went to grade school with.

Her name was Mary Ellen Ryan.

But that has been 30 odd years now and I'm still hoping to find her.

Thank you for letting me send in this E-mail as ties to the Soo are still pretty strong and will always be.

Oh and our Mayor Colin Kinsley was in the Soo this summer, he is a friend as well.

Once again, thank you so much.

Sincerely, Darlene Bond

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