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Harvest Algoma hosting first Harvest Bowl fundraiser

The event takes place on Saturday, April 5 at the Downtown Plaza

Get ready for an afternoon of delicious soups, live music, and community building at Harvest Algoma’s first annual Harvest Bowl fundraiser for local food security taking place at the new Downtown Plaza on Saturday, April 5 from 2-4 p.m. 

Harvest Bowl will bring together the talents of local artisans, restaurateurs, and musicians for a truly unforgettable event to ring in the spring season.

What to expect 

Attendees will get a handcrafted bowl of their choice, made by wood turners and ceramicists from around the Algoma region, that they can use to sample a variety of delicious soups, stews, and other tasty offerings being served up by some of your favourite local restaurants.

To top it off, two different musical groups – Fun and Funner and Spiders Have Names – will be taking the stage to provide some engaging live performances for the enjoyment of those in attendance. 

This event will take place at the Downtown Plaza located at 73 Brock St., with the registration area set up in the warming room for the skating rink (door closest to Queen St.). It will be primarily outdoors, with fire pits and heaters set up in case of cool weather. The indoor plaza space will be available for the use of washrooms and indoor seating. 

Upon registering, ticket holders will receive a punch card featuring each of the restaurants, an entry to win a door prize, and the choice of their favourite bowl from the bunch. As you go around to each restaurant’s booth, your punch card will get marked to show that you’ve tried their food.

You also have the option to share your bowl and punch card with a friend or family member. A wash station will be available to rinse and sanitize bowls between each serving. At the end of the event, you get to take your bowl home with you to continue using it for years to come. 

Tickets can be purchased through our website or in person at our Meals by Harvest storefront, located at 446 Second Line E. at the east entrance, open from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 

The following restaurants/food providers will be attending with their dish:

  • La Anh – chicken curry
  • The Soup Witch – butternut squash soup
  • Northern Superior Brewing Co. – sourdough pretzels and beer cheese
  • Outspoken Brewing – hearty beef chili
  • Café 4 Good – spiced fennel and chickpea stew
  • Chartwell Collegiate Heights – perogy soup
  • Harvest Algoma – jig’s dinner (corned beef stew) 

Our volunteer fundraising committee would like to express our gratitude to PUC and JRP Salvage Corporation for generously sponsoring the event as well as to Josh Ingram, supervisor of the Downtown Plaza, for donating the space.

Another big thank you goes out to the following artisans who graciously donated their handmade bowls, without which this event would not be able to take place:

All proceeds generated through ticket sales are directly reinvested into Harvest Algoma’s food security and food rescue initiatives so we can continue feeding our community.

Harvest Algoma is an initiative of the Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre (SSMIC). As a food resource centre, Harvest Algoma serves over 60 food banks, pantries, and social service agencies throughout the Algoma region, driving food security and fostering community innovation. Learn more at



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