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Fifty-day challenge begins

NEWS RELEASE HURON-SUPERIOR CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD *************************** The As One Campaign is initiating a 50-Day Challenge to the Catholic community to raise funds for two key components of the new St. Mary’s College.



The As One Campaign is initiating a 50-Day Challenge to the Catholic community to raise funds for two key components of the new St. Mary’s College. 

The challenge begins today, January 19 and concludes on Monday, March 9, 2015.

The As One Campaign has a goal of $4 million dollars for the fit-out of a new theatre and artificial-turf field and track at the new secondary school under construction on Second Line East. 

The newest Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board (HSCDSB) school will open in September.

“The 50-Day Challenge is crucial to the success of the As One Campaign and we are confident everyone who has a stake in Catholic education will embrace this challenge and help us reach our goal. 

I am giving to the As One Campaign and I urge current and past trustees, employees, students and parents of students to help this great cause that will help our students and the community,” said HSCDSB Chair, Leslie Cassidy-Amadio.

“Adding a fully outfitted state-of-the-art theatre and outdoor athletic facility is a critical component to the new St. Mary’s College. Arts and athletics are integral to the secondary school experience. The greater arts community has informed us of the need for a mid-sized theatre and providing an artificial playing surface for outdoor intra-mural and extra-mural sports is a necessity due to our geographical location,” said HSCDSB Director of Education, John Stadnyk.

The 50-Day Challenge will be sent out to alumni groups from St. Mary’s College, St. Basil Secondary and Mount St. Joseph College. 

Mount St. Joseph was integrated into St. Basil in 2006 and this September current St. Basil students will move to the new St. Mary’s College. 

The contributions of Mount St. Joseph and St. Basil to Catholic education in Sault Ste. Marie will be recognized with the naming of the two wings of the new school in their honour.

Donations to the As One Campaign’s 50-Day Challenge can be made by visiting

Various donation options are outlined on the website. 

If donors have any questions regarding donation options they may email [email protected].


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