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Details of memorial for LSSU President Thomas Pleger announced

Thursday from 4-5 p.m.
Lake Superior State University President Tom Pleger. Photo provided



SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. – Lake Superior State University will hold a remembrance for its late president, Dr. Thomas Pleger, at 4-5 p.m., May 11, in the LSSU Arts Center main auditorium.

Pleger passed away May 7 after a brief hospitalization in Petoskey, Mich. The campus gathering will celebrate Pleger's accomplishments, compassion, and his unflagging support for LSSU and higher education.

There will be an opportunity to share memories with others who were touched by him.

The Pleger family will hold a private service at a later time. LSSU plans to hold another celebration of Dr. Pleger's life when most of its students return to campus in August.

Run a Web search on "LSSU live stream" to watch the live broadcast and access a subsequent recording on-line.


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