The following resolution has been placed on the agenda for Monday's meeting of Sault Ste. Marie City Council by Ward 4 councillors Lou Turco and Rick Niro.
Monday's meeting will be livestreamed by SooToday starting at 4:30 p.m.
Gore Street traffic lights
Mover: Councillor L. Turco
Seconder: Councillor R. Niro
Whereas on or about the fall of 2016 following construction in the Gore Street area, traffic lights were removed from the intersections of Gore and Albert Streets and Gore and Andrew Streets; and
Whereas once the lights were removed from these intersections, there appeared to be more accidents occurring in the immediate months following; and
Whereas the area is made up of both business and residential properties with heavy pedestrian traffic and families with small children; and
Whereas the neighbours are concerned about the high rates of speed in this residential/business area, in particular from Huron Street to Gore Street with the removal of all traffic lights in these areas; and
Whereas the sightlines at Albert and Gore Streets are a concern for vehicles that park on the west side of Gore Street, making it difficult to see the oncoming traffic on Gore Street; and
Whereas the neighbourhood is in the process of putting together a petition to have some action taken at these intersections
Now therefore be it resolved that appropriate staff be directed to reinstall traffic lights at the intersection of Gore and Albert Streets and at the intersection of Gore and Andrew Streets.