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UPDATE: City opposes Hydro One transmission line through Hiawatha

Couns. Scott and Caputo asked city council to support an alternative route that doesn’t cut through our most-loved natural areas

6:40 p.m. update

Sault Ste. Marie City Council has unanimously voted tonight to express its preference for Route 3C for a new Hydro One transmission line.

Ward 5 Coun. Matthew Scott proposed the route (shown on the above maps) over another route that would have sliced through Hiawatha Highlands.

"One of the proposed routes goes directly through Hiawatha," Scott told tonight's council meeting.

"It's a place where we've, as a city, committed a lot of time and effort to encourage people to get out there and to bring tourism in," he said.

"We need to really put forward our support in preserving the investment that we've made at Hiawatha," added Ward 3 Coun. Angela Caputo.

Caputo said the city has invested about $2.5 million into Hiawatha.

"For that to be torn up would be absolutely a travesty."

Caputo expressed concern, however, that area First Nations be consulted about the route of the transmission line.

Mayor Shoemaker said tonight's decision reflected only the city's preference and Hydro One must still consult with First Nations.

Shoemaker said tonight's decision will be communicated immediately to Hydro One.

Original story – 4.31 p.m.

In a last-minute addition to today's city council meeting, two councillors are trying to nip in the bud any possibility of Hydro One desecrating Hiawatha Highlands with a new transmission line.

As SooToday reported last week, the electrical utility has proposed three possible routes for the 230-kilovolt line, one carved through Hiawatha and Wishart Park, two of Sault Ste. Marie's most beloved natural areas.

Ward 5 Coun. Matthew Scott and Ward 3's Angela Caputo will ask council tonight to instead choose another route.

Here's the full text of the Scott/Caputo resolution to be presented to city council.

SooToday will livestream the meeting starting at 5 p.m.

Hydro One – North Shore Link

Mover: Councillor M. Scott
Seconder. Councillor A. Caputo

Whereas the City of Sault Ste. Marie recognizes the importance of reinforcing transmission lines to ensure reliable electricity supply; and
Whereas the North Shore Link project proposes to reinforce these lines; and

Whereas the project offers a green coloured route option that avoids major recreational trails through Hiawatha; and

Whereas the city values the preservation of recreational areas for its residents;

That the City Council of Sault Ste. Marie expresses its appreciation for the North Shore Link project and exclusively supports the green option as presented by Hydro One.


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