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College celebrates one million hours of safety

Facility remains focused on continuing to make health and safety a priority
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Sault College has many more reasons to be proud with its recent achievement of more than one million hours worked without a lost time injury! This milestone, which took approximately 14 months to reach, further reinforces the college’s priority and commitment of establishing and maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for all workers.

A "lost time" claim is created when a worker suffers a work-related injury/disease which results in being off work past the day of accident loss of wages/earnings, or a permanent disability/impairment.

“Education, dedication and hard work set the foundation for achieving this milestone,” said Matt Casola, manager, Health, Safety and Security. “The College has been incredibly successful in creating an organizational culture that views safety as a top priority and one that empowers workers to take an active role in their safety.”

“I am tremendously proud of this achievement and the collaborative effort that underlines it,” said Dr. Ron Common, president, Sault College. “This accomplishment would not have been possible without the commitment of our employees. Each employee played an important role by making safety a priority and an integral part of our everyday business. On behalf of Sault College, I would like to congratulate staff and thank them for their contributions to this important aspect of workplace life.”

Members of Sault College’s Joint Health and Safety Committee, which serves to maintain and improve the college’s health and safety program, were also instrumental in achieving this milestone. This committee is a collaboration between workers representing OPSEU Local 613 (faculty union) and Local 612 (support union) and members from the management team.

“This committee advocates on behalf of workers, students, and guests of the college with the primary goal of building a safe and healthy workplace,” added Casola. “I commend each of the members for their hard work and dedication and I look forward to our continued work in this crucial area.”

Sault College is proud to have reached this milestone, but remains focused on continuing to make health and safety a priority and building on our one million hours without a lost time injury.



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