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Civic honours proposed for grocers and other COVID-19 heroes

Honourary award for front-line, essential service workers
grocery shopping cart food

The following resolution has been placed on the agenda of Monday's City Council meeting by Ward 2 Couns. Lisa Vezeau-Allen and Luke Dufour.

Coun. Vezeau-Allen is founder and president of Grocer 4 Good Ability Development Program at 133 Gore St.

Monday's City Council meeting will be conducted by teleconference and closed to the public under emergency legislation allowing municipal councils and committees to meet electronically.

SooToday will livestream the proceedings starting at 4:30 p.m. 

Local COVID-19 heroes

Mover: Councillor L. Vezeau-Allen
Seconder: Councillor L. Dufour

Whereas the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected the day-to-day lives of not just our global community, but our local community of Sault Ste Marie; and

Whereas the pandemic has created difficulty for many in our community to access day-to-day living essentials and many essential workers put themselves at risk daily; and

Whereas they have been many reports of individuals, groups, organizations and businesses going above and beyond to assist their neighbours or recognize the difficult work of our front-line workers, grocery retail staff and other essential service workers;

Now therefore be it resolved that amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Sault Ste. Marie establish an honorary award for these unsung heroes at this time and strike a subcommittee to receive nominations and establish criteria for our local heroes of COVID-19 in our community of Sault Ste. Marie.



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