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City Council picks splash pad location

It'll be at Bellevue Park
Cost of the project is estimated $575,000

City Council tonight approved Bellevue Park as the preferred site of a new splash pad.

Bellevue was recommended over Clergue Park by both the parks and recreation advisory committee and the city's splash pad subcommittee.

City staff determined that it would be between $30,000 and $55,000 cheaper to provide water, sewer and electrical services to the Bellevue Park location, which also was closer to other playground equipment.

Bellevue Park also offered 233 parking spots, compared to just 97 at Clergue. 

Ward 6 Councillor Ross Romano expressed a preference for Clergue Park, saying that site fit better with the city's plans for downtown revitalization.

City staff will spend the next few months seeking grant money for the project, particularly through the Ontario Trillium Foundation, local service clubs, businesses and non-profit organizations. 

Cost of the splash pad is estimated at $575,000, including water, electrical and sewer services, a building including washroom, change areas and mechanical room, splash pad (installation, lighting, landscaping, consulting fees and contingency. 

Two summer students will be needed to clean and maintain the new facility, adding an estimated $14,000 a year to the city budget.

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