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Checkmate: Register early for March 22 Ontario Chess Challenge qualifier

Qualifier event to be held at White Pines Collegiate. Winners go to Ontario Chess Challenge Provincial Championship at the Mississauga Convention Centre in May
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The Algoma Regional Qualifier for the 2025 Ontario Chess Challenge takes place Saturday, March 22 at the White Pines Collegiate and Vocational School cafeteria at 1007 Trunk Road in Sault Ste. Marie.

Registration begins at 9 a.m.

The tournament starts at 10 a.m. sharp.

Players are advised to bring a lunch as the White Pines cafeteria will not be open.

There is an at-the-door registration fee of $60 (cash only) but an early registration fee of $50 per student can be paid by Monday, March 3.

Early Registration can be done in two ways:

1. Complete the form here. Send payment to Mountain View Public School at R.R. 1 Mahler Rd., Goulais River, ON. Cheques can be made payable to Mountain View Public School 

2. Drop off payment in a sealed envelope to Anna McCrea Public School at 250 Mark St., Sault Ste. Marie, ON. Please include the parent/guardian name, the student's name, and contact information. Make cheques payable to Mountain View Public School.

Medals will be awarded for first, second and third place finishes in divisions from Grades SK to Grade 12.

This scholastic chess tournament is open to players from schools (and home school) in the District of Algoma.

Divisional winners qualify for the Ontario Chess Challenge Provincial Championship at The Mississauga Convention Centre, 75 Derry Road West to be held on Sunday, May 4, 2025. 

More information on the provincials can be found online.

Divisional winners who participate in the provincial tournament will be eligible for partial reimbursement of entry and travel costs (up to $250), payable upon return from the tournament.

Tournament organization is Swiss Pairings (up to five rounds) to determine overall winners. Smaller divisions will play a round robin. The touch rule is in effect. It is recommended all players must have the ability to deliver checkmate.

Players must be supervised by a team coach or parent.

For more information email Mike Connell  or call 705-649-2130.


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