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Catholic school board welcomes Bill Murphy back

Murphy was appointed to replace outgoing trustee Laurie Aceti
Bill Murphy-300ppi
Bill Murphy seen in this supplied photo

The Board of Trustees of the Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board (HSCDSB) has approved the appointment of Bill Murphy to the board.

Mr. Murphy, who served on the board from 2011 to 2014, was approached to replace Laurie Aceti who announced her resignation last month. He accepted the appointment.

“I was pleasantly surprised when approached for this position and welcomed the invitation to once again be an active participant in Catholic education. I have worked with most of the current trustees and believe that my previous experience will allow for an easy transition,” said Murphy.

“We appreciate Bill accepting this appointment. His prior experience as a trustee will allow for us to continue without disruption as we strive to ensure the best learning experience for our students,” said HSCDSB Chairperson, John Caputo.

Mr. Murphy’s appointment is in accordance with section 221(1) of the province’s Education Act which allows Boards of Education to appoint a new trustee to fill a vacancy on the board. Other options available were a by-election or an interview process.

“The Board felt that using the results of the past election would be the best way to select a replacement for Mrs. Aceti, who served us faithfully for many years. Mr. Murphy was the candidate who had the most votes among those not elected in 2014,” said HSCDSB Director of Education, Rose Burton Spohn.

Mr. Murphy’s first board meeting will be this coming Wednesday, Dec. 13 at the Catholic Education Centre in Sault Ste. Marie. 


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