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Bust out those sneakers for the upcoming International Bridge Walk

Annual event happens June 29
The 2023 International Bridge Walk

It's almost time to lace up those sneakers for annual International Bridge Walk.

This year's event kicks off at 9 a.m. on Saturday, June 29 from the Arts Center at Lake Superior State University. Event parking is available at the Norris Center.

Hosted by the International Bridge Authority and the Chambers of Commerce from both the Michigan and Ontario Saults, participants are reminded to bring a valid passport or other approved ID, such as a Nexus card or Enhanced Driver’s License.

Bus transportation for Canadian participants is available for $10 per person or $20 per family from the Marconi Hall starting at 7 a.m. Following the walk, bus service is available to return American participants to the Norris Center parking area.

No animals are permitted, with the sole exception of seeing-eye dogs. For safety reasons, no roller-blades, roller skates, skateboards, etc. are permitted.

For more information about this event, please click here

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