Walkers of all ages, many of them wearing hats and T-shirts with Canadian maple leafs or U.S. stars and stripes, took part in the 30th annual International Bridge Walk Saturday morning.
Approximately 1,500 people participated in this year's event, estimated Peter Petainen, International Bridge Administration general manager.
In addition, about 120 bicyclists crossed the bridge in the fifth annual Bicycle Parade prior to the walk, Petainen said.
"It's a gorgeous day, barely a cloud in the sky and a nice cool breeze up here on the bridge, everybody I've talked to is thoroughly enjoying themselves," Petainen said, speaking to SooToday.
"I've seen everyone from babies to retirees cross the bridge, and there were two ladies I spoke to this morning who were here from as far away as Alabama, so we get them from everywhere…and we do have people come up specifically for this."
Among the many interestingly-attired people in Saturday's walk, wearing a tiara and sash, was Kari O'Gorman, Mrs. Michigan Tourism 2016, accompanied by Whitney McKenzie, Teen Miss Michigan Tourism 2016.
O'Gorman, of Sault, Michigan, will be representing Michigan in her category in Clarksville, Tennessee at the upcoming World's Miss Tourism Pageant.
"I have to thank both chambers of commerce (from Sault, Ontario and Sault, Michigan) and the coordination from Canadian and U.S. border officials, it's a true partnership to be able to work with everybody on both sides of the border to be able to do this…if we didn't have this cooperation the Bridge Walk wouldn't happen," Petainen said.