The Bon Soo Winter Carnival kicks off this Friday, and organizers are still in search of teams for this year’s Snow Sculpture contest.
Bon Soo organizer and special events coordinator Josh Ingram says there are several carving sites around the Clergue Park skate trail that are still up for grabs for teams interested in registering.
“Snow carving hasn’t been part of Bon Soo for a few years,” he says. “With COVID thrown in there, I think the community isn’t used to this piece of programming we’re trying to revive.”
“But everything else is going really well,” he adds. “Our volunteer numbers are high, our interest and analytics are high, and our button sales are outstanding.”
“It’s going to be a good year one way or another.”
Along with Bon Soo president Jeany White, Ingram will be leading a tutorial session for sculptors at Clergue Park on Wednesday.
He explains experience is not required for those interested in building a snow sculpture.
“We’re happy to take anybody,” he says. “If you have family members with tweens who are interested in getting out and trying it, that’s great.”
“Bon Soo has been around for 60 years, and we want it around for 60 more. We’d love to get the young blood out there and experience what it’s like.”
“It’s like any sport or activity, you won’t know if you like it until you try it.”
Registration is $300/team, and they can begin building at their own pace as early as today.
Meanwhile, Ingram says there are also spots available for Sno Madness, an 18+ two-day event that features a number of carnival-themed games like tug of war, blind taste tests, shootout competitions, obstacle courses, and more.
Registration is $250/team and will take place at the Northern Superior Tap Room on Feb. 3-4 from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Cash prizes for first, second, and third place teams will be available for both the Snow Sculpture and Sno Madness festivities.
“The weather is phenomenal, and the forecast is looking perfect,” Ingram says. “If you’re in northern Ontario or a winter fan, you’ve got nothing to worry about.”
Bon Soo’s 60th Winter Carnival runs from Feb. 3-11.