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APH reporting low-risk COVID-19 exposure at Station Mall in the Sault, 19 new COVID cases in Algoma

There are currently 263 active cases in Algoma and eight hospitalizations
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Algoma Public Health is reporting a low-risk COVID-19 exposure at the Station Mall in Sault Ste. Marie.

The exposure occurred between 1:30 p.m. and 3 p.m. on Dec. 12.

Anyone who was in the following locations during that time is advised to follow public health guidance:

  • La Vie en Rose
  • Bootlegger
  • As Seen on TV
  • True Family Health
  • Ricardo’s Pizza
  • Food court

Anyone who was at any of those stores/locations should self-montor for symptoms for 10 days from potential exposure and self-isolate as well as seek testing if COVID symptoms develop.

APH is also reporting 19 new cases in the region, 13 of which are in the Sault area while three are in central and east Algoma.

Of the new cases, six remain under investigation for the source of their exposure while eight were infected through close contact with a confirmed case and two others were infected through international travel. The source of infection for the other three is not known.

The region currently has 263 active cases and eight hospitalizations.

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