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APH identifies Superior Heights bus as high-risk COVID exposure site

Those who rode Bus Route 21 from Nov. 23 through Dec. 1 may have been exposed
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In a notice issued to parents, Algoma Public Health has confirmed a Superior Heights bus route has been identified as high-risk exposure for COVID-19.

APH is informing "anyone who rode on Bus Route 21 (a.m. and/or p.m.) to Superior Heights Collegiate & Vocational School on Nov. 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30 and/or Dec. 1 that they may have been exposed to COVID-19," the notice reads.

Full text of the notice follows:

Algoma Public Health (APH) is advising anyone who rode on Bus Route 21(a.m. and/or p.m.) to Superior Heights Collegiate & Vocational School on Nov. 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30 and/or Dec. 1 that they may have been exposed to COVID-19.

This letter is to inform you that your child has been identified a high-risk close contact.

When someone tests positive for COVID-19, APH conducts a thorough investigation to determine the time period when that person was infectious, and would have been able to spread the virus to others. A person with COVID-19 can spread the virus to others 48 hours (or two days) before the person had any symptoms or tested positive for COVID-19. Examples of high risk contacts include household members, individuals within the same class, individuals who have been in direct physical contact, and individuals who have spent more than 15 minutes together within 2 metres of each other, such as, sharing a meal or being in the same carpool. Brief interactions, like walking past someone in a hallway or on the sidewalk, are not considered high-risk contact situations.

As you work through the below pathways as a high-risk contact, it is critical that you ensure the accuracy of your self-attested vaccination status (i.e., unvaccinated vs. vaccinated). Falsifying your or your child’s vaccination status can pose significant risk of COVID-19 to school peers, families, and colleagues. Our goal is to create a safe and healthy school year for all in Algoma. We all have to do our part.

Follow the directions below for fully vaccinated or previously positive, and not fully vaccinated or not vaccinated individuals (fully vaccinated means 14 days have passed since receiving your second dose of COVID-19 vaccine):

Next steps, such as getting COVID-19 testing and self-isolating at home are as follows:

  • If your child has no COVID-19 symptoms and is fully vaccinated or has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 90 days (and since been cleared):
    • The child is not required to isolate and can return to school if they have no symptoms
    • Testing at a local assessment centre is recommended between day seven and 10 (Dec. 8-11, 2021) or right away if the child develops symptoms
    • The child must carefully monitor for symptoms until Dec. 11, 2021 and must avoid activities where they cannot be masked and maintain social distancing (ie. close contact sports, large gatherings, etc.) They must also avoid contact with vulnerable individuals
    • The child must wear a mask and practice physical distancing when they are outside of their class/cohort and home, and not participate in sporting or recreational activities, where physical distancing and masking cannot be maintained
    • Isolation is not required while awaiting testing results
    • Household members are not required to stay home or isolate
  • If your child has no COVID-19 symptoms and is not fully vaccinated or not vaccinated:
    • The child must isolate, and should get tested between day seven and 10 (Dec. 8-11, 2021) or right away if the child develops symptoms. If the child does not test, there may be times when APH may potentially need to extend the isolation period another 10 days
    • Regardless of test result, the child is required to isolate for 10 days, until Dec. 11, 2021 at 11:59 p.m.
    • Isolation means you must stay home and not go to work or school. Do not gather, visit or have visitors or play dates while you are isolating
    • Unvaccinated household members must stay home except for essential reasons such as work or school during the child’s isolation period
    • Fully vaccinated household members are not required to stay home or isolate
    • Under the Section 22 Class Order issued by Algoma’s Medical Officer of Health, anyone in Algoma who has confirmed or suspected COVID-19 infection, or who is identified as a close contact requiring isolation, must isolate and follow public health instructions. Not complying with this legal order is an offence and a person may be liable for a set fine of $750 or otherwise of up to $5,000 per day or part of each day that the offence continues, on conviction
  • The child has / develops symptoms of COVID-19
    • The child must isolate and should get tested immediately if they develop any of the following symptoms:
      • Fever and/or chills (temperature of 37.8 degrees Celsius/ 100 degrees Fahrenheit)
      • Cough or barking cough (croup)
      • Shortness of breath
      • Decrease or loss of taste or smell
      • Nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea
      • Fatigue
      • Muscle aches and pain
      • Sore throat
      • Runny or stuffy nose
      • Abdominal pain
      • Headache
      • Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
      • Decreased or lack of appetite
    • Call APH at 705 942-4646 ext. 5404 for further directions for the child and their household members.

If the child must isolate and is too young to isolate away independently, assign a caregiver who will stay with the child for the isolation period. Having one parent or caregiver care for the child, if practical, can reduce the risk of COVID-19 spread to other household members. More information regarding isolation and how to care for a child who needs to self-isolate can be found here.

Important ways to protect yourself and others:

  • Be fully vaccinated by receiving two doses of COVID-19 vaccine if you are eligible
  • Always practice physical distancing
  • Wear a mask or face covering in all indoor public settings
  • Wear a mask or face covering outdoors if physical distancing cannot be maintained
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
  • Clean high touch surfaces in the home (doorknobs, toilets, keyboards, electronic tablets, remote controls etc.)

For more information:

  • Please visit the APH website for information on COVID-19 or call 705-942-4646 ext. 5404.


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