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Anishinabek Police Services names new chief of police

Jefferey Skye will step into the position beginning on August 2
Jefferey Skye will be the new chief of police for the Anishinabek Police Services.

The Anishinabek Police Services (APS) has a new police chief.

Jefferey Skye was appointed to the role, the APS announced this morning and will take on the role effective Aug. 2.

Skye joins the APS after serving with the Treaty Three Police Service (T3PS).

Following is a full release from the APS on the appointment:

The Anishinabek Police Services (APS) is pleased to announce the appointment of Jefferey Skye as the new chief of police, effective Aug. 2, 2022. Guided by the sacred grandfather teachings, Jeff is a seasoned officer who brings many years of experience to support and advocate for his police officers, civilian staff, communities and all who live within.

Jeff is joining the APS after having served the Treaty Three Police Service (T3PS) for over seven years as the deputy police chief. His tenure as the deputy police chief has allowed Jeff to gain further experience and knowledge and bring it back to APS.

Jefferey has been a shining example of “leading from the front” leadership with over 29 years of experience in policing. His experience has lent him to become an
innovative, strategic thinker. His sharpened skills have led him to creating, co-creating or launching many initiatives, including the Mentor and Helping Kids with
Adversity, (MAHKWA), a program with timely response to youth in crisis, the Not for Sale program, geared to human trafficking prevention as well as many other
heartfelt and impactful initiatives.

Anishinabek Police Governing Authority, chair Debi Bouchie, “It has been a long, diligent process, and we are pleased to welcome chief of police Jeff Skye. His
invested interest in our communities is an asset. We looked forward to his efforts to continually improve the health and safety of APS and the communities we serve.”

Jeff also comes with a strong professional network which will be of much benefit to the APS and communities in which he serves. Nationally, he is a member of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police and the First Nations Chiefs of Police. Provincially he is a member of the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police, the
Manitoba Association of Chiefs of Police and the Indigenous Police Chiefs of Ontario. Regionally he sits on the Grand Council Treaty #3 Drug Task Force.

In all of his roles, Jeff’s priority has always been to bring education, awareness and advocacy to the social issues that our Indigenous people face on a regular basis. He uses this knowledge to change the way Police Services look at policing in their communities as well as re-evaluating enforcement and working towards supporting members.

Anishinabek Police Council, chair chief Jason Henry, “We are pleased to be welcoming Jeffery to our police service. His wealth of knowledge and experience will assist our communities in the path forward.”

The Anishinabek Police Service, Police Governing Authority and Police Council wishes newly appointed police chief Jeff Skye many successes in his future with APS.
