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A BATT and a K-9 help Clergue deliver some Christmas cheer (7 photos)

F.H. Clergue celebrated its second annual Christmas Cheer toy drive

Staff and students gathered in the F.H. Clergue French Immersion School gymnasium Friday afternoon for a special assembly highlighting the school’s second annual Christmas Cheer toy drive.

“We will be helping over 1,700 families in our community,” Christmas Cheer convener Diane Marshall told the students. “They will be thrilled to receive these gifts.”

“Know that you are making a difference within our community and we really appreciate what you’ve done for us,” she said. “Thank you very much. We’ll look after your toys very well.”

In order to transport the load of goodies to the Christmas Cheer depot, F.H. Clergue enlisted a bit of help from the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service, its Ballistic Armoured Tactical Transport (BATT), and our four-legged K-9 officer Justice.

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