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300,000 manufacturing jobs lost under Liberals - Turner

NEWS RELEASE JIB TURNER PC CANDIDATE FOR SAULT STE. MARIE ************************* Celia Ross and the NDP to raise corporate taxes by over 39 percent Horwath’s failure to understand basic economics will drive private sector jobs out of Sault Ste.



************************* Celia Ross and the NDP to raise corporate taxes by over 39 percent

Horwath’s failure to understand basic economics will drive private sector jobs out of Sault Ste. Marie

Sault Ste. Marie candidate Jib Turner wants to know how Celia Ross and the NDP can justify the job losses that would result from their poorly planned fiscal policies that would raise corporate taxes to 14 percent from the current 10.1 percent and increase minimum wage another 9.3 percent.

The burden of these additional costs will drive businesses from Sault Ste. Marie and Ontario.

Since Dalton McGuinty took office, Ontario has lost 300,000 manufacturing jobs and now the NDP are intent on raising taxes on the businesses that managed to survive Dalton McGuinty’s failed policies.

Andrea Horwath’s plans to raise corporate taxes will create an environment that penalizes success and motivates employers to leave the province.

A Tim Hudak government will implement a five-point plan to create private sector jobs in Ontario:

- Treat energy policy as economic policy, not as a social program

- Train 200,000 more skilled workers by expanding the apprenticeship system

- Reduce taxes on job creators

- Eliminate job-killing red tape

- Lowering taxes on families so they have the confidence to spend again.

“Let’s work hard. Let’s free the job creators. Let’s unleash that entrepreneurial, can-do attitude on which the foundation of our great province was built. If we do these things, I promise you that Ontario can - that Ontario will - lead again,” said Ontario PC Leader Tim Hudak.

“In these difficult economic times, we need to encourage business development and growth. We can’t afford to see Sault Ste. Marie jobs cross the border or head south just because the NDP and the Liberals don’t understand basic economics.”

“Our five-point jobs plan will give families the confidence to spend again and employers the confidence to hire again. An Ontario PC government will create good private sector jobs, the kind that allow you to raise a family or buy a home," added Ontario PC candidate for Sault Ste. Marie Jib Turner.

Quick facts

For 56 months, Ontario’s unemployment level has been above the national average, while Ontario has become a have-not province and lost more jobs during the recession than all other provinces combined.

Under Dalton McGuinty, almost 300,000 manufacturing sector jobs have vanished.

That’s equivalent to the populations of Belleville, Cornwall, Kenora, Lindsay, North Bay, Peterborough, and Welland combined.

Under Dalton McGuinty, Ontario has over 500,000 regulations.

Complying with these regulations costs Ontario businesses $11 billion a year - the heaviest regulatory burden in Canada.


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