The Canada 150 Tulips have begun to bloom in Bellevue Park.
About 6,000 tulips in total were planted by the city in the park, as well as other flower beds at the Civic Centre, along the boardwalk and other areas.
Of the 6,000 tulips, 2,000 were Canada 150 Tulips, said a staff member at the Bellevue Park Greenhouse.
Flower beds at Bellevue Park were in different stages of blooming, with some opened up and others still budding.
The special edition tulips were developed in the Netherlands and intended to bloom in time for Canada's 150th birthday, with a distinctive white and red streaking, with a blotch of yellow in the centre.
Suzanne Hanna, president of the Sault Ste. Marie Horticultural Society, said the bulbs were planted in the fall.
Reached last week prior to the blooming, Hanna said some communities in southern Ontario — who saw their Canada 150 Tulips bloom as early as a few weeks ago — found some diversity in the colours.
“Instead of them coming up white streaked with red, with a blotch of yellow in the centre of the tulip, (they're) finding some that are orange, finding some without the streaks," said Hanna.
Staff at Bellevue Park Greenhouse said the majority of tulips planted for this year are red or white or Canada 150 Tulips in celebration for the country's birthday.