Welcome Friend Association in partnership with Algoma’s Water Tower Inn & Suites is pleased to announce that we are presenting The Wonderful World of Miss Conception, September 19, 2015 at Algoma’s Water Tower Inn and Suites.
Proceeds of the show used to support Welcome Friend Association programs.
Tickets available at:
Country Way, 79 Brock Street, Sault Ste. Marie
ForestLand, Main Street, Thessalon
Online @
For more info call 1-888-909-2234 x102
*Special overnight rate at the Algoma’s Water Tower Inn & Suites – ask for Miss Conception rate. 1-888-461-7077*
This year, this international female delusionist “Extra-Ordinaire” has launched her new show The Wonderful World of Miss Conception.
This all live singing fairy tale show will leave you laughing and singing your favourite story book characters with a twist and grinning ear to ear.
From Beauty and the Beast, Frozen, Lion King, Snow White, Little Mermaid, Aladdin, 101 Dalmatians, Mary Poppins to Maleficent, this show will blow you away with special effects and snow.
A Toronto native, Kevin Levesque has had a love of theater from an early age.
Inspired by a drag show that he attended in 2000, Kevin was convinced that he could develop his own show.
So that’s how, Miss Conception’s journey began.
Having toured Canada, the United States and Mexico, Kevin has developed an original show each year that results in enthusiastic, sold-out audiences.
Welcome Friend Association is a non-profit organization which educates and promotes awareness in society regarding gender, sexual identities and expressions.
We provide outreach and support for people impacted by gender and sexual issues.
We also provide seminars, training and outreach for other organizations and the community at large to broaden the understanding of the Queer community.
For more information, please visit
We look forward to seeing you at The Pavilion in Algoma’s Water Tower Inn & Suites September 19!