The Emperor’s Symphony quilt captures Best In Show – Viewers’ Choice Award!
Quilting Beyond Borders, a semi-annual quilt show sponsored by “Stitches from the Heart Quilt Guild” was held May 26 and 27 in Sault, Canada at the Soo, Ontario, Curling Club.
The Canadian Quilters’ Association Rosette was awarded to Miss Carol Ormston for her hand-made queensize quilt titled, The Emperor’s Symphony.
This was the Best In Show, Viewers’ Choice.
Persons paying admission to attend the show were given a ballot making this truly a Viewers’ Choice Award.
Miss Ormston told the Sootoday News, “I am delighted to donate The Emperor’s Symphony to this city’s outstanding arts group – the Sault Symphony Orchestra. The award winning quilt has been appraised at $1,800.00 and will be used as a major fund raising lottery.”
Patti Gardi, General Manager of the local symphony explained that a lottery licence has been obtained and tickets will be sold at $2 each or three for $5.
Proceeds will be used by the symphony to help promote music education with our youth programs.
Mrs. Gardi said that the draw for the winner of The Emperor’s Symphony queen size quilt will be made at the December 10 Christmas symphony concert at the Kiwanis Community Theatre Centre.
Tickets for this draw go on sale Sunday, June 10 at the 14th annual “Musicfest – Bratwurst, Beer & Beethoven,” at Roberta Bondar Pavilion Park.
Tickets will also be sold at the symphony office on Brock Street.
For additional information please contact the Sault Symphony at (705) 945-5337 or e-mail [email protected].
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