It's Lake State University's turn to enact the famous Eve Ensler play, The Vagina Monologues this weekend.
This production is celebrated as the bible for a new generation of women.
The Lake Superior State University Theatre Company and Drama Club is staging the play as part of international V-Day College Campaign activities in February.
Shown: The cast of Lake Superior State University's /Vagina Monologues/ assemble for a this view from an overhead walk in LSSU's Arts Center. -(LSSU photo by John Shibley)
Proceeds from the Lake State event will benefit the Sault Ste. Marie Housing Commission's Tri-County Safe Haven program.
The performances are at 7 p.m. on Feb. 10-11 in the Lake State Arts Center auditorium.
All seats are reserved and may be purchased at the Norris Center box office, online at, and at the Arts Center on the evening of the performances.
Elizabeth Sippl, a senior majoring in elementary education who is president of the Lake State Theater Company and Drama Club, directs this year's production, which will feature Lake State students as well as members of the community.
Cast members include:
- Stacey Charbonneau, a sophomore from Sault Ste. Marie majoring in French studies
- Kari Darling, a junior liberal arts major from Lachine
- Patty Havey, a senior economics and history major from Tipton
- Stephanie P. K. Heath, an Lake State alumnus from Sault Ste. Marie
- Leah Husby, a senior political science/French major from St. Johns
- Hilary Kozma, a senior political science/pre-law major from Romulus
- Heather Mydosh, a senior English major from Munith
- Katey Price, a junior communication major from Wyoming
- Vivien Holda Ross, a sophomore English major from Alpena
- E.C. Solomon, a senior communication major from Sault Ste. Marie
- Melissa Styes, a senior English major from St. Ignace
- Dariel Tauriainen, a senior English major from Sault Ste. Marie
- Aimée Walker, a senior mathematics major from Dafter
For more information about the play, contact Prof. Gary Balfantz, [email protected] or 906-635-2278.
For ticket and showtime information, visit and look in the right corner for a pink "V-Day" button.
The Vagina Monologues has been performed in cities all across Canada and the United States.
Witty and irreverent, Ensler's Obie Award-winning masterpiece gives voice to women's deepest fantasies and fears, guaranteeing that no one who reads it or attends a performance will ever look at a woman's body, or think of sex, in guite the same way again.