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Three scary movie vehicles for sale

NEWS RELEASE VOLO AUTO MUSEUM VOLO, ILLINOIS ************************* Three of the most terrifying cars to ever cruise into theaters! The Volo Auto Museum has up dug three of the most nightmarish cars to ever hit theaters.


Three of the most terrifying cars to ever cruise into theaters!

The Volo Auto Museum has up dug three of the most nightmarish cars to ever hit theaters.

All are for auction, including the most terrifying car of all time, the immortal Christine.

The museum risked life and lug nuts to unearth these terrors from the auto graveyard and list them on eBay from Oct. 1 to 10, 2006.

The Plymouth Fury from Christine, the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Dodge van, and the Devil's Rejects' Cadillac Eldorado are for sale for the first time and ready to prowl the streets for their next victims.

The most famous Plymouth of all time is Christine, the 1958 Fury that starred in John Carpenter's 1983 movie adaptation of Stephen King's horror classic.

For the actual filming, Columbia Pictures invoiced 16 Plymouths.

Even though on film they rebuilt themselves, only three actually survived, including the one now being offered.

She's been smashed, crashed, and burned but keeps coming back.

Hell hath no fury like Christine. (eBay Item
No. 170033211331)

An idyllic summer afternoon drive in a Dodge van became a nightmare for five teenagers when they were exposed to a crazed family of killers in the 2003 version of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

The movie is based on a series of gruesome real-life murders committed in the 1950s by Ed Gein of Plainfield, Wisconsin (only 193 miles from Volo).

A prequel to the Chainsaw Massacre is set to hit theaters October 6.

Although it may look like a beater, the van actually is a pristine 1970 Dodge A-100.

New Line Cinema painted it to look dirty and rusty.

A shattered rear window, bloodstains and slash marks remain as a reminder of the carnage unleashed by Leatherface. (eBay Item No. 170033214132)

Rob Zombie's 2005 sequel to House of 1000 Corpses, the Devil's Rejects is a gruesome grab-you-by-the-throat horror movie.

The murderous Rejects drove this 1975 Cadillac Eldorado convertible to their death in the movie's final scene. (eBay Item No. 170033221014)

The Volo Auto Museum, 27582 W. Volo Village Road, Volo, IL, is open seven days a week from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. General admission is $8.95. Special rates are available for children, seniors, veterans and active military. Visit or call (815) 385-3644.


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