Over the Rainbow Children’s Entertainment Series presents The Queen of Colours based on a children’s book by German author Jutta Bauer, and performed by a German theatre troupe, at Korah Collegiate, Saturday, April 30, 2016 at 2 p.m.
This enchanting world-wide hit has delighted audiences across the globe, from Europe, Mexico and China.
The play uses a blend of shadow puppetry, live music, painting, and video projection to create a magical event for the young and young at heart, ages 3-93.
Andy Probst from describes the show as “an animated picture book being assembled on the fly…a remarkable accomplishment”.
Individual tickets are sold at the box office in Station Mall or at the door prior to the performance. Adult $18, Child $15, box office charges apply at the Station Mall box office.
Over the Rainbow Children’s Entertainment is a non-profit committee of the Kiwanis Community Theatre Centre and supported by the Canadian Heritage Foundation and the Ontario Arts Council.
Our goal is to bring families together to foster a love of music, fun, and drama.
The executive committee is always looking for volunteers and corporate sponsors, especially to sponsor workshops for local students while the performers are in town.
Founded in 1992, the series was resurrected by the Arts Council and committed volunteers in 2008 after a seven year hiatus.
For additional information please visit our website www. or call 705-946-4081.