Shadows will be screening the acclaimed Canadian film 'Dan and Margot' at the Sault College Multi Medial Centre. After the films a representative from Canadian Mental Health will be leading a discussion/conversation that will speak to erasing the stigma that surrounds mental illness.
'Dan and Margot' is the intimate look into the life of a young modern woman struggling to take back the three years of her life that she lost to schizophrenia.
With transparency and even humour, we will confront the notion of schizophrenia through a female character-driven portrayal that asks questions about the deep-seated stigmatization of mental illness within our culture and the way in which we all choose to cope with our past, present and future.
“The public, when confronted with schizophrenia, are most often introduced to the rare cases of individuals who have committed atrocious crimes and are highly demonized in the media. I believe it’s important that audiences have an opportunity to hear the other stories; those of relatable, capable and warm-hearted individuals with schizophrenia, who like everyone else, are just trying to find their place in this world.” Directors: Chloe Sosa-Sims –Jake Chirico.
Margot represents the other story.
The screening will be on Jan. 25, 2017 at 7 p.m. at the Sault College Multi Media Centre.
Shadows of the Mind Film Festival will run from Feb. 27 to Mar. 5, 2017.