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Punks change the world (free poster)

NEWS RELEASE ANTI-FLAG ************************* Band 'Anti-Flag' helps pass depleted uranium legislation and assists in freeing Eritrean singer WASHINGTON, Nov. 10 - Political punk musicians Anti-Flag worked with Rep. Jim McDermott (D-Wash.


Band 'Anti-Flag' helps pass depleted uranium legislation and assists in freeing Eritrean singer

WASHINGTON, Nov. 10 - Political punk musicians Anti-Flag worked with Rep. Jim McDermott (D-Wash.) for over two years to educate America and the world about the devastating effects of depleted uranium and the need to study its impact on humanity.

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Through the band's petition efforts over this past year and through interviews with the media, Anti-Flag was able to generate additional momentum for McDermott to gain co-sponsors and get a depleted uranium study passed by Congress.

The group created the song, "Depleted Uranium is a War Crime" using parts of an interview they did with McDermott and released the song with a petition drive.

In addition, they organized press conferences with Physicians for Social Responsibility, Code Pink, After Downing Street Coalition and Iraq Veterans Against the War - all to push the importance of Jim McDermott's study.

"It is exciting to see the results that come from educating people on an important but under-reported issue such as depleted uranium. It is even more exciting to see people join us in taking action to address the issue and make a positive change," said Justin Sane of Anti-Flag.

"I believe that one person can make a difference and this proves it. I hope efforts like this encourage more young people to get involved in their community and country." said McDermott.

In addition to this petition drive, Anti-Flag also toured with a petition for Amnesty International's Music for Human Rights Campaign to assist in freeing Eritrean singer Helen Berhane.

"We are excited to learn that the petition signing from this past year's tours helped generate additional interest and Helen Berhane's eventual release." Sane said. "This is a tremendous start and there is not enough praise that can be given to Amnesty International for their work in bringing musicians together to fight as one for human rights. However, there is more that must to be done to stop inhuman and degrading treatment of prisoners. There are still tens of thousands of wrongfully imprisoned humans that need our help."

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"If you think signing petitions or writing members of Congress does not work, you are wrong. When we work together we can make a difference," said Sane.

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