A digital exhibition of the work of renowned Anishinabe artist and founder of the Woodlands School of Canadian Art launches Algoma Fall Festival 2019 on Friday.
The exhibition, created and presented in partnership with The Art Gallery of Algoma, is a first for the gallery and offers a unique opportunity to view visual art in additional dimensions.
Large-scale projections of Morrisseau’s vibrant paintings depict a moving world of nature, spirits, shamans and animals that surrounds the viewer and demonstrates how Morrisseau perceived the world around him.
His original works are displayed in the Project Gallery for the duration of the exhibition.
Also this evening, Choir! Choir! Choir! takes to the stage at the Machine Shop. Tickets for this show are still available.
Visit the Algoma Fall Festival website to learn more about what's going on or for tickets.
Wander into the world of Norval Morrisseau or catch some of the other activities that are part of the festival this year until Oct. 26.