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"Meet the Artist" reception being held for Powshik this Thursday

The Art Gallery of Algoma is hosting "For the Love of Music", an art exhibit by Brent James Powshik, until May 5th.
The Art Gallery of Algoma is hosting "For the Love of Music", an art exhibit by Brent James Powshik, until May 5th.

The artisits describes his art as a process that initially disregards intentions and expectations as marks are randomly arranged creating depictions that are formed through a selection of drawing techniques. From these shaped marks, creative metaphors and silhouettes of images emerge, producing narratives. "This drill embraces an immediate expression as the first marks are executed with random motions, speedy impressions and limited intent," says Powshik. "Working with such unlimited boundaries allows me to maintain a distance while I search the page for images."

A special "Meet the Artist" Reception will be held on Thursday, April 21st beginning at 7:30 pm.

For more information, contact Moya Morrow at the Art Gallery of Algoma at [email protected].

The Art Gallery of Algoma is located at 10 East Street.
For more information on the AGA call 949-9067 or email [email protected].

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