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Make the street your playground!

The Gore Street neighbourhood party features something for everyone
happy party people
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Make the street your playground! On Thursday, July 6 from noon - 3 p.m., all are invited to kick off summer with the Gore Street neighbourhood party.

The street party features something for everyone with activities including soccer, yoga, tennis, golf, arts and crafts, children’s games, face painting and more. Food from local establishments will also be featured.

Over the years, the Gore Street neighbourhood has experienced many new and exciting investments including the Pump Track, Étienne Brûlé Community Orchard and the reconstruction of Gore Street. This event will celebrate the neighbourhood additions and highlight longstanding and new businesses in the area.

Gore Street and surrounding areas will be closed to vehicular traffic on this day. This event is free to attend and walking, biking, rolling or gliding through the Gore Street neighbourhood is welcome.


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