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Local author celebrates book launch

Maria Iuliano will be at The TECH Thursday, Sept. 29
Author Maria Iuliano
Maria Iuliano. Source: Facebook



SAULT STE. MARIE - Local author and business owner, Maria Iuliano, shares powerful insights and tools in her new book to help shift your awareness, empower you to change your life and enable you to embrace hope, balance and find peace within.

Based on a true story, Crisis of Spirit also describes Maria’s near death experience as a young girl and her subsequent struggles in the Catholic School Board system through the 1980s.

Join Maria at the official launch of her first book this Thursday. Enjoy delicious appetizers and listen in on selected readings. This is a come and go and is free to the public to attend.

WHAT: Book launch/meet the author
Crisis of Spirit by Maria Iuliano

WHEN: Thursday, Sept. 29  
6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

130 Wellington Street East
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario

Maria graduated with Honours in Peace and Conflict Studies from Sault College. She runs a successful business called Life Improvers and she is also a Peace and Spiritual Mentor. She is working on her second book due for release in January 2017.


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