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Go climb a wall

PHOTO RELEASE LAKE SUPERIOR STATE UNIVERSITY **************************** Lake Superior State University student Andrew Jackson summits the area's only indoor climbing wall, in LSSU's Student Activity Center, Sault Ste.



Lake Superior State University student Andrew Jackson summits the area's only indoor climbing wall, in LSSU's Student Activity Center, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, on June 20.

The newly-opened wall is 26 feet tall by 21 feet wide (8 x 6 ½ meters), with colour-coded routes plotted by challenge level.

Summer hours are 5-8 p.m., Monday-Thursday.

Admission is free for LSSU students and staff, $3 per person for the public.

The wall can be reserved off-hours by small groups for events such as birthday parties, church activities, Scouting projects, or workforce team-building.

Booking rates depend on group size.

Contact wall manager Paul Tumey at 828-310-3057 for details.

Kids must be at least six years old to climb.

Parents must be present and sign a waiver for minors under 17.

LSSU will open a Regional Outdoor Center later this year, stocked with a variety gear that students can rent.

Jackson is a senior mechanical engineering major from Cheboygan, Michigan.

Photo by John Shibley for LSSU

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